Week 8 Comment and Feedback

Reviewing Comments and Feedback

Feedback and Discomfort
Source: Feedback Cats

Feedback In

In general, I would rate the feedback I am getting as okay. There seems to be a lot more praise than criticism and hardly any suggestions on how to change. It has helped me because it tells me I am on the right track, but I never know if there is any error in my work. The most useful comments have been the ones that point out errors in logic or grammar in my stories and then include exactly why they liked the piece. Laura's comments have been the most helpful as she provides resources for other story ideas or pieces. 

Feedback Out

In general, I would rate the feedback I am giving as okay. I find that most of my own comments suffer the same thing I mentioned before: they are too praise heavy and not enough constructive criticism. I have read stories that I found either illogical or confusing, but instead of telling my classmate that, I would only mention the parts of the story I did like. This is due to my tendency to avoid confrontation and criticism in general. I really like the WWW feedback strategy because it allows me include things I would change about a story in my feedback without coming off as rude or over-critical. 

Blog Comments

I think people's personalities are very present int heir blog posts and their blogs in general. Very bubbly, outgoing people tend to have very loud and colorful blogs with posts that reflect their thoughts in a colloquial manner, and very analytical, conservative people tend to have very clean, organized blogs with posts that reflect their thoughts in a professional manner. I, personally, really like my blog and my introduction post because I think it highlights the best parts of who I am. I think my introduction makes it very clear that I am confident, outgoing college student who loves adventures, and my blog posts reflect my priorities as values, such as feminism.

Looking Forward

Looking forward, I want to include more constructive criticism in my blog comments and decrease the amount of unnecessary fluff that doesn't actually help my peers' writing. Whenever I receive comments like these, I find them much more helpful, and I do not get upset with the student who post it, which I think is where my fear to post constructive criticism stems from. 


I chose this image as a reminder that feedback does not mean judgement and being evaluated does not mean you are being criticized. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable when people tell me my work is not perfect because it alludes to the idea I did something wrong. However, this is completely all in my head and a very easy thing to change. As long as I view feedback as a way to grow and better myself, I will never feel uncomfortable with receiving it or giving it. 


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